From the Earth to the Moon Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

One man, one only, in all the states of the Union, protested against the attempt of the Gun Club. (10.5)

Everybody loves the Gun Club—and we mean everybody. So what's this guy's problem? As we'll come to see, there's something a bit deeper going on here beneath his mean-spirited words.

Quote #2

His rival was a scientist, like Barbicane—a proud, audacious, self-sufficient, violent man—in a word a pure Yankee. (10.6)

The words used to describe Nicholl are pretty much identical to the ones used to describe Barbicane. If these dudes didn't hate each other so much, they might realize that they're the same guy.

Quote #3

Shot and iron plate fought with unexampled persistence, the one increasing in size, the other thickening in the same proportion. (10.7)

In a way, each man needs the other in order to reach his full potential. Would Barbicane have continued to invent new weapons if Nicholl hadn't continued to invent new armor, or vice versa? Sometimes we need competition in order to light a fire under our butts.