From the Earth to the Moon Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Long years will pass ere the thunder of our cannons will be again heard on the field of battle. We must make up our minds to this, and seek elsewhere food for out all-devouring energies." (2.15)

The Gun Club sure is driven, even if they're not always sure what they're being driven toward. Frankly, we're just glad that they found something more productive to throw their "all-devouring energies" into besides weapons. Wouldn't their impressive expertise be better spent on something else?

Quote #2

"I speak to you about the orb of night. It is, perhaps, reserved for us to be the discoverers of a new world." (2.23)

Talk about ambitious. From the get-go, the Gun Club crew knows that this will be their biggest challenge yet, but they're not too concerned. Although they know that this will be a great challenge, requiring a good deal of perseverance, they see is simply as a another opportunity.

Quote #3

No true Yankee would have allowed himself to admit the appearance of a difficulty. A thing was carried out as soon as decided upon. (3.3)

America—heck yeah. Verne ties Barbicane's ambitious spirit to broader American values, illustrating how a project like this would only be possible in the U.S. In fact, Americans are the only people who actually believe this project can succeed.