From the Earth to the Moon Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

We all know with what rapidity the military instinct developed itself in this people of shipowners, merchants, and mechanics. (1.1)

In the Civil War, regular folks are forced to become soldiers. That sort of training doesn't simply fade away: Their war-time experiences will continue to shape them well after the last shot is fired, for better or for worse.

Quote #2

What is therefore more natural than to see them bring their audacious ingenuity to bear upon the science of gunnery? (1.3)

Sounds like a waste to us. Although the Gun Club has some bona fide geniuses in its ranks, these men squander their talents on something that harms mankind. Why not spend that energy working on medical science or transportation technology or at least a new type of sandwich or something?

Quote #3

Engines of war attained colossal proportions, and projectiles flew beyond their proper limits, much to the detriment of inoffensive spectators. (1.8)

War + Technological Growth = Bad Times for Everyone. As technology becomes more powerful, killing each other becomes easier (but somehow less accurate) than ever. Think about nuclear weapons: Less than a hundred years after the writing of this book, a weapon is invented that can destroy an entire city in an instant.