Go Set a Watchman Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I'm so afraid of making a mess of being married to the wrong man—the wrong kind for me, I mean." (4.30)

What does Jean Louise mean here by "the wrong kind"? The racism issue hasn't come up yet, and she doesn't seem concerned by class differences. What, then, makes Henry the wrong kind?

Quote #8

"Then marry me."

"Make me an offer." (5.240-5.241)

Jean Louise is teasing Henry here, but is there any kind of "offer" he could make that would have her seriously considering marriage with him?

Quote #9

"Miss Scout, different folks get married for different kinds of reasons. Miss Alexandra, I think she got married to keep house." (11.123)

As usual, Calpurnia gives some of the best advice in the book. People don't have to get married for love, although it's romantic to think so.