Go Set a Watchman Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"That's because you haven't looked," he said. "You've never opened your eyes." (14.75)

Uncle Jack suggests that Jean Louise is blinded by her own principles. Is he correct? Perhaps she is naïve in believing that others share her principles.

Quote #8

"Jefferson believed full citizenship was a privilege to be earned by each man." (17.89)

Here we start to learn that Atticus is a man who puts political principles ahead of human ones. Considering how coldly he comments on a family member's death early in the book, that shouldn't come as a surprise.

Quote #9

"I despise you and everything you stand for." (17.149)

You can open Chapter 17 to any page and pick out a quote in Jean Louise and Atticus's battle of the principles. Here, she shuts down her father because of his beliefs. Is that fair?