The House of the Scorpion Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

He grabbed Chacho and pulled him back. "We mustn't kill him!"
"Why not?" demanded the boy. (32.24-5)

Matt's refusal to murder Jorge, even though Jorge totally has it coming, shows just how different Matt is from El Patrón.

Quote #11

He understood the full extent of it now. It wasn't only the drug addicts throughout the world or the Illegals doomed to slavery. It was their orphaned children as well. You could even say the old man was responsible for the Keepers. (38.44)

Matt's world view starts to broaden in the last part of the book, and he's able to think with compassion about some of the world's larger problems – not just his own drama.