The House of the Scorpion Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"What happened to the other people who crossed the border?" he asked.
"Them?" Celia's voice was flat and expressionless. "They were all turned into eejits." And she refused to say any more about it. (14.58-9)

Celia's backstory shows us just how alone she is. Before now, Matt's been the lonely one. But for the first time we realize Celia hasn't had it too great, either.

Quote #8

He felt a whisper of fear as he walked into the mountains. This time he was alone. (15.16)

Even though he's isolated, Matt has never been totally and completely alone. Until now.

Quote #9

He saw the Farm Patroller ride away and looked down to see he would have no trouble convincing the Aztlános he was a refugee. He had no backpack, no money, and he was covered from head to toe in black slime. (25.49)

Picture Matt standing all alone in Aztlán. Not only does he have no one to help him – he's got no stuff either.