The House of the Scorpion Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You're the one who invited me," said María. "Why couldn't you find somewhere nice? This place is creepy."

Matt's alarm system went on at once. "I didn't invite you." (12.41-42)

We kind of suspected Matt was being set up when Felicia went to see him. When did you get clued in?

Quote #5

"Tom is MacGregor's son, you know," said Celia. "I shouldn't tell you these things at your age, but nobody gets a decent childhood in the Alacrán household. They're all scorpions." (13.14)

Celia's instinct is to keep Matt in the dark. In fact, that seems like everyone's instinct. But she resists it and tells him the truth for once.

Quote #6

"I'm not lying!"

"Ah, well. Perhaps I'm expecting too much of you." (13.115-16)

Ouch. In Matt's case, not being believed hurts almost as much as being lied to.