The House of the Scorpion Slavery Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Surely, opium could be grown by normal people. They might not be as efficient, but anything was better than a mindless army of slaves. (17.31)

Even at a young age, Matt recognizes the horrors of slavery and wants to fix it somehow. And already he knows that compassion is more important than efficiency. At least someone in Opium gets it.

Quote #5

El Patrón sold those people's souls to the Devil! When they died, he plowed their bodies into the dirt for fertilizer. The roots of Opium are watered in blood. (20.23)

Esperanza may sound a bit over-the-top. But, she's also totally right. El Patrón built his empire on the backs of slaves, and that's just plain wrong.

Quote #6

Matt thought they made a pretty picture until he realized that the little girls were eejits. (21.13)

This is proof – appearances can be deceiving. What seems a lovely wedding is made totally creepy by the fact that the flower girls are slaves. That's not the picture perfect nuptials we all dream about.