Religion Quotes in Hyperion

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

You have been chosen to return to Hyperion as a member of the Shrike pilgrimage (Prologue.6)

A pilgrimage is, by definition, a long journey to a spiritual place. We know right off the bat that there's going to be some soul-searching on this journey. At least these pilgrims don't wear buckles on their heads.

Quote #2

Sometimes there is a thin line separating orthodox zeal from apostasy (1.145)

The first line of the Priest's Tale tells us that not much separates those who are (literally) crazy about their religion from those who have renounced it altogether. So which one is Hoyt, and which is Father Paul Duré?

Quote #3

[Kassad] said that he had been raised as a Muslim. He also announced that interpretation of the Koran [...] had definitely shown that the God of Islam would neither condone nor allow the slaughter of the innocent. (2.264)

Different interpretations of the Koran still exist hundreds of years in the future. Will people ever be able to definitively pin down any religious text, or will these interpretations always change and evolve?