Hyperion Theme of Sex

If great literature has taught us anything (and by great literature, we mean Fifty Shades of Grey), sex sells. Why? Because it's a part of everyday life. You can't go for very long without seeing, hearing, or thinking about something sexual in nature. And Hyperion shows us the sexual side of, well, you name it. Writing. War. Even religion. These pilgrims aren't repressed Puritans, but the way almost everything relates to sex at some point, we wouldn't blame you for thinking they were.

Questions About Sex

  1. Why does Moneta choose to appear to Kassad when she does? And why in the world is she the Shrike, anyway?
  2. Why does Silenus choose to have his body modified into that of a satyr?
  3. Does Brawne have any reservations about sleeping with Johnny, a cybrid?
  4. Is there such a thing as sexual morality in the world of Hyperion? Or is that something that we won't consider in the future? Does anyone get judged for his/her sexual behavior?