Sex Quotes in Hyperion

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

A society that depends upon years of rigid sexual abstinence for population control is consistent with my new theory. (1.417)

Father Duré's abstinence theory is only partially correct: the Bikura don't have sex. Ever. Chastity has never looked creepier.

Quote #2

I awaited the embrace of the Shrike with the imperceptible tremble of a virgin bride. (1.562)

Even certain death by being impaled by spikes has sexual undertones in this book. (Well, if being impaled by spikes ever doesn't have sexual undertones. Since apparently everything does.)

Quote #3

Kassad [...] had been in love once and had enjoyed sex many times. He thought he knew the way and the why of it. [...] He was wrong. He could never adequately share the sense of the next few minutes with anyone else. (2.226)

Since Kassad is having sex next to numerous dead bodies, we're glad he's not sharing that experience with us. But here's our question: is he sharing it with the mystery lady? Are well always alone after sex?