In Cold Blood Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But that's impossible. Can you imagine Mr. Clutter missing church? Just to sleep? (1.215)

Herb's that devout—he'd never miss church. That's how Nancy Ewalt knows right away that something's seriously wrong in the house.

Quote #5

For, feeling it their duty, a Christian task, these men had volunteered to clean certain of the fourteen rooms in the main house […]. (2.2)

Herb Clutter's friends didn't just take on this sad job because he was their friend. Capote is showing us how Bible-believing Christians try to live their faith. Christian task or not, going through that house must have been totally horrible and difficult.

Quote #6

"The deed is done and taking another life cannot change it. Instead, let us forgive as God would have us do. It is not right that we hold a grudge in our hearts. The doer of the act is going to find it difficult indeed to live with himself. His only peace of mind will be when he goes to God for forgiveness." Let us not stand in the way but instead give prayers that he may find his peace. "(2.99)

Herb's son-in-law, Howard Fox, wrote this in a letter to the local newspaper. It's a strong statement about how one's beliefs can guide behavior. His wife's entire family has been slaughtered but he asks the community to pray for the killers. Needless to say, not everyone in town was this evolved.