In Cold Blood Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Hell, Don, don't make me act the hypocrite with you. Throw a load of bull—how sorry I am, how all I want to do now is crawl on my knees and pray. That stuff don't ring true with me. I can't accept overnight what I've always denied. The truth is, you've done more for me than anyway what you call God ever has. Or ever will. By writing to me, by signing yourself 'friend'" (4.123)

If this is, in fact, an "immaculately factual" account, as Capote and the New Yorker magazine swore it was, we gotta say that Capote spills the beans here about his feelings about Perry. Like with Willie-Jay, Perry again shows some integrity, even when it risks alienating the only guy who wants anything to do with him. And later, when Don thanks the Lord for the meal they share together in Perry's cell, Perry remarks that in his opinion, the credit for the meal should go to Mrs. Meier. People, not God, are the source of kindness, according to Perry.