James, 1-2 Peter, Jude Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why are these letters letters?
  2. Who do you think wrote these books?
  3. Why does James think God favors the poor so much? Is he into righting wrongs or just being a little bit envious of the rich here?
  4. God is both über judgmental and endlessly forgiving. Is that a contradiction? Or does it make sense to say that God is both?
  5. Why did the early Christians embrace suffering so much? Do you think going through tough times makes you a stronger person?
  6. We think of being "worldly" as a good thing. But these letters think it's sinful. What do you say? Can you be invested in the world and faith at the same time?
  7. Why are the false teachers such a problem in the Christian community?
  8. What do you think about our authors' views on the end of the world?
  9. Why does Jude tell stories from sources that aren't in the Hebrew Bible?
  10. Who do you think first read these letters? What would they have thought of them?