Lord Jim Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"'But I knew the truth, and I would live it down – alone, with myself. I wasn't going to give in to such a beastly unfair thing. What did it prove after all? I was confoundedly cut up. Sick of life – to tell you the truth, but what would have been the good to shirk it – in – in – that way?" (11.14)

Jim has a way of talking around subjects, especially painful ones. He uses vague pronouns like "it" and "thing" to describe the Patna incident, instead of just acknowledging what went down. How is he supposed to "live it down" if he can't even admit it to himself?

Quote #8

"'But the honour – the honour, monsieur!... The honour... that is real – that is!'" (13.12)

Regardless of his cynicism, the Frenchman believes in honor. That has got to count for something.

Quote #9

"I don't know that I blame Jim very much, but it was a truly regrettable incident. It belonged to the lamentable species of bar-room scuffles [...]." (19.3)

Jim's barroom brawl doesn't get a ton of attention in the book, but it might be one of his lowest points. He throws his principles out the window and becomes a bit of a lowlife, at least for a moment.