The Man in the Iron Mask Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Fouquet turned pale. "I will take the liberty of observing to your Majesty that any proceedings instituted respecting these matters would bring down the greatest scandal upon the dignity of the throne. The august name of Anne of Austria must never be allowed to pass the lips of the people accompanied by a smile."

"Justice must be done, however, Monsieur." (23.64 – 23.65)

Justice is defined by King Louis XIV. He decides what it is and who is treated in a just manner.

Quote #5

Philippe read the following words, hastily traced by the hand of the King:-

"M. d'Artagnan will conduct the prisoner to the ile Ste. Marguerite. He will cover his face with an iron mask, which the prisoner cannot raise without peril of his life."

"It is just," said Philippe, with resignation; "I am ready." (24.96 – 24.98)

Why on earth does Philippe think this is just? What does this tell us about Philippe's character?

Quote #6

Swearing and grumbling, he had recourse to the syndic of his brotherhood at Antibes, who administer justice among themselves and protect one another; but the gentleman had exhibited a certain paper, at the sight of which the syndic, bowing to the very ground, had enjoined obedience upon the fisherman, and abused him for having been refractory. They then departed with the freight. (31.3)

Justice is dispensed with arbitrarily. There are plenty of people in this novel who are above the law.