The Man in the Iron Mask Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Do you ask their pardon of me?"

"Upon my knees, Sire!"

"Well, then, go and take it to them, if it be still time. But do you answer for them?" (53.67 – 53.70)

This is evidence of an unjust system – basically, who you know will get you a free pass, but if the wrong people have it in for you (as in the case of Fouquet), you are doomed.

Quote #8

"D'Artagnan," said the King, with a smile beaming with kindness, "I could have M. d'Herblay carried off from the territories of the King of Spain, and brought here alive to inflict justice upon him. But, d'Artagnan, be assured I will not yield to this first and natural impulse. He is free; let him continue free." (54.14)

Again, proof that justice is dispensed arbitrarily under King Louis XIV.

Quote #9

The young woman raised her head with a solemn air. "A day will come," said she, "when you will repent of having judged me so harshly. On that day, it will be I who will pray God to forgive you for having been unjust towards me. Besides, I shall suffer so much that you will be the first to pity my sufferings."60.31)

That day comes in the Epilogue.