Maniac Magee Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Which of course, is just what Maniac had had in mind. Remembering how little Grayson had known about black people and black homes. Thinking of the McNabs' wrong-headed notions. Thinking of Mars Bar's knee-jerk reaction to anyone wearing a white skin. And thinking: Naturally. What else would you expect? Whites never go inside blacks' homes. Much less inside their thoughts and feelings. And blacks are just as ignorant of whites. What white kid could hate blacks after spending five minutes in the Beales' house? And what black kid could hate whites after answering Mrs., Pickwell's dinner whistle? But the East Enders stayed in the east and the West Enders stayed in the west, and the less they knew about each other, the more they invented. (41.4)

So, Maniac's solution to race relations is to invite everyone over to dinner at Mrs. Pickwell's house. Would that really work? Do we all just need to get to know each other better?