Me Before You Themes

Me Before You Themes


Me Before You is centered on two very different families. First, you've got the Clarks, a wild bunch of working-class warriors who are upfront about their many issues with one another. And then you...


Lou Clark and Will Traynor in Me Before You have the most complicated romantic relationship this side of Romeo and Juliet. After being hired to work as a professional caregiver for Will, a young bu...

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans

Lou Clark isn't a girl with big dreams. Born and raised in a small town in the English countryside, she's made herself content with settling down, working a boring job, and marrying her boring boyf...


Me Before You doesn't feature any ghouls and goblins, but there's plenty of fear creeping around these pages. There's Will Traynor's fear that his health will continue to worsen after an accident l...


We're not going to mince words, folks: Me Before You revolves around Will Traynor's desire to commit assisted suicide. After being paralyzed from the neck down by a motorcycle accident two years pr...

Society and Class

Putting aside the romance, the medical issues, and the ruminations on death, Me Before You has also got a lot to say about the differences between the social classes. Lou Clark comes from a working...


It's ironic that someone who shares a name with both Lewis and Clark shows no interest in exploring the world, but that's just how the cookie crumbles for good old Lou Clark in Me Before You. Born...


After being paralyzed in a freak motorcycle accident in Me Before You, Will Traynor contends with a flurry of emotions, but none are as powerful as his feeling of disappointment. He's disappointed...