The Home Quotes in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My grandfather was the only member of his family to escape Poland before the Second World War broke out. (Prologue.47)

It's sad that Jacob's grandfather had to leave his home at such a young age, and it's even sadder that he could never return. Jacob will have to face the same decision at the end of the book.

Quote #2

My solution was to stop leaving the house. (2.3)

Jacob needs safety after Grandpa dies in the woods, so he stays home. Unfortunately, he goes a little overboard, and the home becomes more of a trap than a safe haven. Jacob doesn't even go to Grandpa's funeral.

Quote #3

"I thought I'd scared you off it. How's our haunted mansion faring these days? Still standing?" (4.79)

It's difficult for Jacob to see how Miss Peregrine's decrepit house could have ever been a home, especially when everyone else on the island thinks it's haunted.