Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Questions

  1. Jacob must go to the past—literally—in order to learn about his grandfather. Would he have ever been able to learn about his grandfather's life without the benefit of time travel?
  2. Does Emma act more like her actual age (pushing one hundred) or the age she looks (sixteen)? Why do you think that is?
  3. How is Jacob's relationship with his grandfather similar to his dad's relationship with Grandpa Abe (his father)? How is it different? How do these relationships change and evolve during the course of the story?
  4. If Jacob's journey is about returning to the glory of childhood, does he come of age, or is he just going backward?
  5. What parts of the book did you find especially creepy? Would the book have been as eerie were it not for the strange photographs?
  6. How do the photos add to the story? Would it be the same if the photos weren't included?
  7. Do you think Ransom Riggs chose the photos first, or did he write the story and choose the photos after?
  8. The book ends on a cliffhanger. What do you think will happen next?