Isolation Quotes in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

One day my mother sat me down and explained that I couldn't become an explorer because everything in the world had already been discovered. (Prologue.3)

Jacob's mother stifles his imagination by telling him this, and it makes him miserable and depressed to be in the real world. As we later learn, there are still parts of the world to be discovered, at least for the majority of normal humankind.

Quote #2

As for life on the island, little has changed. (2.105)

Miss Peregrine's letter is subtle, to say the least. "Little has changed" not just because they're isolated on an island, but because they're isolated in time.

Quote #3

"All I can say is they weren't your regular sort of orphan children." (4.102)

The orphanage is separate from the rest of the island, away from the village and pretty difficult to get to. They want to be apart from everyone else to keep anyone from finding out their secrets.