Katniss Everdeen Quotes

Gale, who I have never seen cry, has tears in his eyes. To keep them from spilling over, I reach forward and press my lips against his. We taste of heat, ashes, and misery. It's a surprising flavor for such a gentle kiss. He pulls away first and gives me a wry smile. "I knew you'd kiss me."

"How?" I say. Because I didn't know myself.

"Because I'm in pain," he says. "That's the only way I get your attention." He picks up the box. "Don't worry, Katniss. It'll pass." (8.69-71)

What kind of relationship do Gale and Katniss have? Based on Gale's comments here, it seems like an unbalanced one. She only expresses love or care for him when he is "in pain." Otherwise, at least in his opinion, she doesn't appear to notice him. And it does seem like Katniss is more inclined to reach out and give physical comfort when Gale is obviously hurting.

"You're still trying to protect me. Real or not real," he whispers.

"Real," I answer. It seems to require more explanation. "Because that's what you and I do. Protect each other." (21.79-80)

No matter what, Katniss and Peeta are a team. They started out as unlikely allies and yet their relationship has evolved into a complex love/friendship arrangement based on keeping each other alive. Despite all the odds and everything working against them, they can't let go of that.

Trying to shout her name above the roar. I'm almost there, almost to the barricade, when I think she hears me. Because for just a moment, she catches sight of me, her lips form my name. (24.76)

Romantic love isn't the only kind of love in this text, nor is it perhaps the most powerful. The single event that makes Katniss feel most deeply is this glimpse she has of her sister, Prim. Katniss's whole journey started with an attempt to protect her sister. She's been through Games after Games because she volunteered to take her sister's place. That might be the greatest display of love throughout the books.