My Life in Dog Years Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The last thing I saw as I went under was Cookie's head swinging up from sleeping and her eyes locking on mine as I went beneath the surface. (1.13)

Cookie the sled dog was so loyal that she rallied her team to save Paulsen, who had fallen through thin ice and into freezing water. Paulsen's convinced that she was acting out of loyalty to him and not just instinct. He would have died without her efforts.

Quote #2

This book is dedicated to her memory. (1.19)

Paulsen dedicates the book to his dog, Cookie. So we can see that her loyalty was returned many times over.

Quote #3

Every morning Ike was there. I'd come across the bridge, start down the river, and he'd be there, waiting. (3.42)

Ike and Paulsen form a fast friendship hunting together in the woods. Though Ike wasn't Paulsen's dog, he showed up every single morning so they could hunt together then he'd take off when they were finished. Paulsen learned years later that when Ike took off, he was looking for his owner, who was in combat in Korea. Once the soldier came home, Ike disappeared from Paulsen's life for good. Paulsen was Ike's buddy, but he wasn't his "person."