Love Quotes in New Moon

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #4

[Bella:] I’d been broken beyond repair. But I needed Jacob now, needed him like a drug. I’d used him as a crutch for too long, and I was in deeper than I’d planned to go with anyone again. (9.221-222)

To need someone like a drug is an incredibly strong desire. Could this statement point to a character weakness in Bella? This also reminds us of passages in Twilight where Edward compares the way he's drawn to Bella as similar to a recovering drug addict around heroine (Twilight 13.75-79).

Quote #5

Edward, I love you. (10.160)

This is one of several moments in the story when Bella faces death, and her last thought goes to Edward.

Quote #6

No, Edward wasn’t a killer… But what if he had been? What if, during the time that I’d known him, he’d been just like any other vampire?… Would have that kept me away from him? I shook my head sadly. Love is irrational, I reminded myself. (14.195-197)

Bella realizes that when it comes to love, rules of good and evil don’t totally apply. Does this idea just hold true for her particular case, or in general? And do you believe her? What if Edward had joined the Volturi in massacring innocent tourists?