Suffering Quotes in New Moon

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #4

It was a crippling thing, this sensation that a huge hole had been punched through my chest…my heart must have been beating but I couldn’t hear the sound of my pulse in my ears; my hands felt blue with cold. (4.258)

Missing heart beat, constant coldness – Bella’s emotional and physical states are making her take on the characteristics of a vampire.

Quote #5

…and there never would be anything more for me… nothing but nothing… (5.17)

It seems paradoxical that "nothingness" can inflict pain.

Quote #6

It was loud… everyone talked over everyone else… laughter from one joke… I didn’t want to leave. (6.127)

It looks like joy, laughter, and a sense of family can help ease Bella’s pain.