Nothing Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The first thing was for Pretty Rosa to pull herself together. Cinderella's head was a considerably smaller sacrifice than the ones many of the rest of us had been forced to make. The second thing was that we'd all suspected Elise had gotten off too lightly and had actually been happy about her brother's coffin being dug up. Holy Karl had found two sacrifices with one prayer. (15.20)

Why do you think Elise would have been happy that her brother's coffin had been dug up? We never learn much about her family. Can you think of a scenario that could have led to her feeling this way?

Quote #8

"And if it didn't hurt," Anna-Li added quietly, "there wouldn't be any meaning in it." (17.54)

Do you agree with Anna-Li? Can you think of anything meaningful that doesn't hurt?

Quote #9

There was something eerie about how calm she was. Nevertheless, it was like it was rubbing off on the rest of us. What was to happen was a necessary sacrifice in our struggle for the meaning. We all had to do our bit. (17.49)

Sofie's coldness may have rubbed off on the others, but theirs may have rubbed off on her first. It's the Nothing version of the chicken-and-egg question.