Nothing Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The rest of us had given up without a fight, but still the thought of Sofie giving up was too unbearable. And that was exactly what was happening. Or so I thought. But Sofie didn't give up. Sofie lost her mind. (22.29)

Agnes feels that what Sofie lost makes it uniquely awful for Sofie—too awful, in fact, for Sofie to admit Pierre Anthon was right. The idea that losing her mind is preferable to giving up makes her seem like a martyr, which Agnes called her earlier.

Quote #8

"Oh, so that's the meaning!" he burst out angrily, and grabbed hold of Sofie. He took her by the shoulders and sort of shook her until she stopped screaming. "And that's why you sold it?" (23.48)

We're never sure if Pierre Anthon knows exactly what Sofie sold to the museum—after all, all that was left behind from that night was a handkerchief—but given the implication of prostitution, his saying this would probably be particularly hurtful to her.

Quote #9

That summer we were scattered to the bigger schools to the north, south, east, and west, and Sofie was sent somewhere where they protect people like her from themselves. (26.1)

In what way did Sofie need to be protected from herself? What might have happened if she had gone to school with her peers?