Prometheus Bound Analysis

Literary Devices in Prometheus Bound

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory


Here's the thing about Prometheus Bound: you could act it anywhere. You could perform it at the Globe; you could perform it on a high school stage; you could perform it in front of your house. All...


Prometheus Bound is a drama: it is a literary work in which the words are assigned to characters who are supposed to speak them onstage. That makes it a drama. Fair enough. Ancient Greek theater ha...


Let's face it: there isn't a lot of humor in Prometheus Bound. Unless, of course, you're entertained by the spectacle of a god being chained to a rock and systematically abused for the crime of bri...

Writing Style

Here on Shmoop, we're using the translation of Prometheus Bound by Alan H. Sommerstein. This translation has a lot of great things going for it. For one thing, it's extremely clear. Actually, you c...

What's Up With the Title?

Pretty straightforward. Prometheus is... bound. The play takes place after Prometheus has been tied to a rock as punishment for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to humans, so the title bas...

What's Up With the Ending?

Prometheus just can't take a hint. The whole play, his friends—or what passes for friends—have been begging him to just apologize already, but instead he hurls insults and threats at Zeus. You...


Prometheus Bound is an ancient Greek play; most scholars think it was first performed sometime around 430 BCE. As you might expect, it has some references in it to gods and cities and places you mi...

Plot Analysis

Ch-Ch-Ch-ChainsThe initial situation actually starts off stage, before the play begins: Prometheus is really ticked off that Zeus is tyrannizing over the Titans and wants to kill off the humans, so...

Booker's Seven Basic Plots Analysis

Prometheus is chained to a rock. Hilarity Ensues. (Not.)The definition of the "Call" phase in Booker's Seven Basic Plots is that "something has gone wrong" and only the hero can put it right. At th...

Three-Act Plot Analysis

All Tied UpPrometheus gets chained to a barren rock in Scythia for the very, very minor crime of stealing fire from the gods and giving it to humans. Look Into My Crystal BallVarious characters sho...


In 1820, Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote a play ("play") entitled Prometheus Unbound, imagining what would happen if Prometheus actually succeeded in overthrowing the king of the gods. You can read the...

Steaminess Rating

All right, so we get some hints here and there about how Zeus wanted to get it on with Io, before transforming her into a cow. When Prometheus finally gets around to explaining how they're going to...