Prometheus Bound Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Prometheus Bound? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Prometheus retain power despite his status as bound to a rock?

He relies on Energizer batteries.
Prometheus stays true to himself—and keeps his secret knowledge hidden.
Prometheus knows he can blackmail Zeus.
Prometheus is certain his gods will deliver him.
Q. How does Prometheus Bound reveal the difference between physical suffering and mental suffering?

The consequences of both kinds of suffering are never clearly shown.
The differences are described by the narrator.
Prometheus experiences physical suffering whereas Io experiences mental suffering.
The text inflicts mental and not physical suffering on its readers.
Q. How does Prometheus Bound reveal the conflict between fate and free will?

Most of the characters express the view that everything is fated. And yet, most of them also keep telling one another to do various things.
The conflict between characters is used to illustrate the conflict between fate and free will.
Both are subject to the will of the gods.
Prometheus Bound does not reveal the conflict between fate and free will.
Q. How does Prometheus Bound reveal mental confinement?

The action takes place inside of Prometheus' mind.
The main character is emotionally unstable.
Hermes is bound to fulfill all the orders of Zeus while Prometheus is physically bound yet mentally free.
Prometheus Bound does not reveal mental confinement
Q. How does Prometheus challenge traditional notions of power?

His weakness becomes his source of power.
No matter what, Prometheus stays true to himself—and keeps his secret knowledge hidden.
He cries a lot.
He becomes an unchallenged dictator.