Seedfolks Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She drank down a big cup of goldenrod tea every morning, with a nutmeg floating in it, and declared she didn't need no other medicine. Dr. Bates tried to sell her his iron pills and told her straight out that that tea of hers would raise her blood pressure and burst her heart. He passed away that very same summer. Next doctor said it would give her brain fever. He died on his fiftieth birthday, I believe, right during the party. Had him a real nice funeral, later. Granny lived to ninety-nine, by her count. She kept a scrapbook with the obituaries of all the doctors she outlived and could recite the list of names by heart, like a chapter out of Genesis. We took to going to their funerals right regular over the years. She always laid some goldenrod on their graves. (5.1)

Leona's grandmother certainly has her own opinions about warding off death. And she actually ends up living a long time. We're thinking it's kind of creepy that Granny kept a scrapbook of people she outlived. Plus, it's not really clear how old Leona's grandmother was when she died. Did you notice how Leona says "Granny lived to ninety-nine, by her count"? Hmmm, now that's a little fishy. We're left wondering if Leona sides with her grandmother or agrees with the doctors. What do you think?

Quote #5

The minute it came up, it started to wilt. […] Then the heat came. The leaves shriveled up. Some turned yellow. That lettuce was dying. (7.16)

Virgil's lettuce just can't weather the summer heat. In fact, it's barely got a chance to live before it starts fading away. People aren't the only ones to face death in this boo—and for Virgil, it looks like finding the right time to grow plants is a life or death situation.

Quote #6

Then my husband die. Heart attack. Thirty-seven years old. Now all alone, except for friends. (8.1)

Sae Young is in for a rough ride, and she isn't the only one in Seedfolks who has lost a loved one. How does she remind you of the other characters who experience the death of someone they love? Are there ways that Sae Young is different from these characters?