Mortality Quotes in The Shining

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The face in front of him changed. […] But suddenly his daddy was there, looking at him in mortal agony, and a sorrow so great that Danny's heart flamed within his chest. […] (55.59)

This is Danny's last vision of the 'real' Jack before he dies. It points to Danny's extreme sensitivity and tenderness, especially where Jack is concerned. It also points to increasing understanding of mortality.

Quote #8

"The boiler! […] It hasn't been dumped since this morning! It's going up! It's going to explode!" (55.85)

When Danny reminds Jack of the boiler, he sends him down to his death, though he probably doesn't know it at the time. This is one of many reasons Danny feels so guilty.

Quote #9

"[…] dissolving, losing thought and will […], searching, not finding, going out, going out to, fleeing, going out to emptiness, notness, crumbling" (56.42).

What an eloquent and lonely vision and dying. Does this passage tell us anything about where Jack is going next or what will happen to him? If so, where or what? If not, have any ideas?