Stolen Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section Break.Paragraph)

Quote #1

You took your head from your hands. Your eyes flashed at me for a moment, but they weren't icy. They'd thawed a little. They looked wet. For a second I wondered if you'd been crying, too.

You saw me studying you and turned away. Then you went out of the room and came back several minutes later with a glass of water. You sat beside the bed and held it out to me. "I won't do anything to you," you said. (6.17-18)

This kind of behavior is really disorienting for us readers who are used to typical TV abduction plots. Ty kidnapped Gemma, so shouldn't he be keeping her in a pit in his basement and depriving her of food and water? Instead, he actually seems pretty decent—aside from the whole abduction thing, that is.

Quote #2

You stopped the car and turned off the engine. You got out and leaned against the hood. You peered at the boulders, looking for me. You'd seen me running; I was sure of that. You could probably see me there, too, shivering against the rocks, trying desperately to soak in some of their heat.

"Gem?" you called.

After a moment, you went around to the passenger door and opened it. You took out a sweater, came back, and held it out.

"Come back to me." (19.12-15)

Okay, so first he brings her a glass of water and doesn't follow the Law & Order playbook. Now, he brings her a sweater. What's this guy's deal? Even though he still has the kidnapping thing hanging over his head, there's a part of him that seems to have Gemma's best interests in mind—at least within the confines of his property.

Quote #3

I didn't struggle. I didn't do anything. My body went limp. In the house you wrapped me in blankets. You put something hot in my hands, which you made me drink. But my body and my brain and my insides had frozen solid and nothing would thaw them. (20.1)

Ty's motivations here seem really weird; it's like he lets her get lost in the Separates so she can realize how much she needs him. Let's also offer another friendly reminder that he kidnapped her—and yet he's still doing all these weirdly compassionate things for her rather than just hurrying up and killing her already.