Stolen Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section Break.Paragraph)

Quote #1

When I woke, I was back in the double bed with a cool, damp bandage around my wrist. I was no longer wearing the jeans. My feet were tied to the bedposts with hard, scratchy rope. There were bandages wrapped around them, too. I pulled away, testing how tightly I was tied, and gasped as pain shot up my legs. (6.1)

And just like that, Gemma wakes up to find that she's become a character in a Stephen King novel. Maybe that's an exaggeration, but seriously—getting tied to a bed isn't exactly on our bucket list.

Quote #2

"It's not your escape route, if that's what you're wondering. Your only escape route is through me. And that's bad luck for you, I guess, since I've already made my escape by coming here." (7.34)

Ty's plan is pretty twisted. Kidnapping someone and taking her to a place where she can't run away and has to go through him to break out is pretty foolproof. Well, until snakes get involved, at least.

Quote #3

I found the darkest, coolest part of the house—in the corner of the living room, next to the fireplace. Then I sat and tried to think of ways to escape. I wouldn't let myself give up. I knew if I did, that would be it. I might as well be dead already. (12.5)

Even if escape seems impossible, thinking about it is how Gemma attempts to survive her ordeal. Giving in to the desperation of her situation in captivity will only kill her mentally—and possibly physically, too.