Stolen Sections 1-5 Summary

Section Break 1

  • Gemma and her parents are passing through the Bangkok airport on their way to Vietnam, and things aren't going well. Her mother and father are arguing and exhausted, and her mom's also picking a fight with Gemma about the skimpy top she's wearing.
  • Parents fighting on a long trip isn't exactly weird, but what is weird is that there's this guy with scary blue eyes who's been following them the entire trip and checking Gemma out.
  • Needing an excuse to get away from her parents, Gemma says she's going to get coffee and will meet her parents at the gate. Oddly, the blue-eyed dude goes along, too.
  • So, just to recap, this book is called Stolen, and there's a guy creeping on Gemma in an airport. Yeah, something bad is definitely about to go down.
  • Gemma orders a coffee and tries to pay for it, but the shop doesn't take British currency. In swoops the stalker-ish blue-eyed guy to save the day and buy it for her.
  • Then, he offers to put sugar in it. Okay, that's weird. Either he's just being chivalrous or—as Gemma later suspects since this book is being told retrospectively—he's about to drug her.
  • Gemma and the guy, whose name is Ty, take a seat with their respectively drugged and un-drugged coffees and start talking about Gemma's family. Her parents are going to Vietnam because her mother is an art curator and looking for paintings.
  • Ty is also a craftsman of sorts; he makes art and gardens, and he builds things. He says he's from Australia. When Gemma asks what it's like there, he tells her she's going to find out—and we have this bad feeling that he means literally.

Section Break 2

  • At this point, Gemma starts feeling really woozy—because that's what happens when a strange guy puts drugs in your drink. On top of that, Ty asks how she's feeling, which is pretty much a dead giveaway.
  • With Gemma drugged and progressively losing control, Ty begins to drag her through the airport.
  • He talks his way around some security personnel and then takes her to a dumpster and makes her put on new clothes and a wig.
  • He also keeps giving her chocolate, which is weird. (Like the rest of this isn't … ha.)
  • While the details are kind of lost on Gemma, she puts everything together later and realizes that Ty must have thought of every last detail, including a new passport and plane ticket.
  • They board another plane and get off at another airport, where Ty puts her in an old, noisy car.
  • Gemma falls asleep.
  • When she wakes up, the heat is blistering and she is in pain.

Section Break 3

  • Gemma wakes up in a bedroom and can't move, but she is thankful that Ty didn't tie her to the bed. Little victories, we suppose.
  • She feels sore all over and begins examining her body to make sure she wasn't sexually assaulted.
  • Ty seems to catch wind of what she's doing because he tells her that he didn't rape her. He also tells her there are clothes for her next to the bed. None of them are hers.
  • Ty tells her that she feels sick because of the drugs and that while she's going to feel pretty whack for a while, the blurred vision and dizziness and hallucinations will eventually pass.
  • Gemma demands to know why he's brought her to wherever they are. Ty explains that he had to and won't give her any indication of where they are except to say that she's safe there.

Section Break 4

  • The main thing Gemma notices about her new location is that there is no noise—like, at all. No people, no cars, no traffic sounds. Instead, the room is just oppressively hot.
  • She also notices that she has to pee, so she decides to get dressed and go hunt for a restroom.
  • Instead, though, she starts exploring the house and gets this idea that maybe she can find a way to escape. At one point, she actually does find a bathroom but decides that getting the heck out of there is more important than her bladder.
  • She explores the house. It's really creepy—there are dark curtains everywhere along with the heat, and there's no sign of Ty anywhere.
  • She finally makes her way outside and realizes why she can't hear any noise: Ty's house is in the middle of nowhere. Like, we're talking nothing around for miles. No people, no other buildings, zip.
  • To make things worse, Ty sees her. Gemma tries to run away but doesn't succeed—Ty starts chasing her in his car. He eventually gets out and tackles her, telling her there's nowhere to go but back to the house, and she bites him and pees herself.

Section Break 5

  • Back at the house, Gemma tries to attack Ty again, then she goes into the bathroom and starts smashing things. Ty warns her to stop or else she'll use up all of their supplies.
  • Her main concern is this: Typically, when a creepy dude gets a girl alone in the middle of nowhere, his only intention is to kill her. She grabs a piece of glass from a broken bottle to use as a weapon, but Ty continues to tell her that fighting is no use.
  • Gemma finally locks herself in the bathroom and talks to Ty, who's in the hallway. He tells Gemma he isn't going to kill her, but she's not exactly convinced.
  • She tries to cut herself with the shard of glass, but he comes in and stops her. He puts her in the shower and tries to stop the bleeding.
  • While struggling, Gemma hits her head on something and passes out.