The BFG Chapter One: The Witching Hour Summary

  • The book opens on a girl named Sophie. It’s the middle of the night, but she can’t sleep because a moonbeam is shining on her face.
  • She lives in a dormitory, and everyone and everything there is still.
  • This makes her think it’s The Witching Hour, which, (we’re told) is the hour of the night when all humans are asleep and “all the dark things came out of hiding and had the world to themselves.” (1.9) Comforting.
  • Instead of doing the smart thing and staying in her bed, Sophie gets out and approaches the window. Sophie, what are you doing? It’s like watching everyone decide to split up in a horror movie.
  • The view outside the window is odd, because everything, even the buildings, seem hazy and bent.
  • Sophie sees something tall, black, and thin walking up the street.