The BFG Weakness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The next moment, a huge hand with pale fingers came snaking in through the window. This was followed by an arm, an arm as thick as a tree-trunk, and the arm, the hand, the fingers were reaching out across the room towards Sophie’s bed.
This time Sophie really did scream, but only for a second because very quickly the huge hand clamped down over her blanket and the scream was smothered by the bedclothes. (3.5)

This image, from Sophie’s in-bed point-of-view, is horrifying. A giant hand literally grabs her. It’s like the start to a trogglehumper—but worse, because it’s before she knows there’s a funny word for “nightmare.”

Quote #2

The Giant picked up the trembling Sophie with one hand and carried her across the cave and put her on the table. Now he is really going to eat me, Sophie thought. (5.1-2)

Here we get another snapshot of Sophie’s tiny size: she fits on top of his table. She’s like the size of a plate, or maybe just a spoon. How could someone that small escape a giant? If we didn’t know the book’s initials stand for Big Friendly Giant, we’d think she’s screwed.

Quote #3

“And who please is going to be stopping them?” asked the BFG. “Couldn’t you?” said Sophie. “Never in a pig’s whistle!” cried the BFG. “All of those man-eating giants is enormous and very fierce! They is all at least two times my wideness and double my royal highness!” (6.33)

The BFG’s small size compared to the other giants is another twist in scale. Before this moment, he seemed powerful, but here we learn that compared to other giants, he’s just as weak as Sophie.