The BFG Chapter Ten: Frobscottle and Whizzpoppers Summary

  • At this point, Sophie is hungry and thirsty. She asks the BFG for some water, which confuses him. He only has a drink called frobscottle. On the bright side, he says that frobscottle is delicious.
  • He brings out a bottle of fizzy pale green liquid, but the bubbles are floating down instead of up. It’s like Mountain Dew, but in an upside-down universe.
  • When Sophie exclaims about the unusual bubble direction, the BFG is shocked. How could there be a culture where bubbles in fizzy drinks float up? He thinks that would make a person burp, and he considers burping a very rude noise.
  • Sophie, as you might expect, points out that a noise coming out the other end is more rude. The BFG has a different opinion: he calls that sound a whizzpopper and considers it a sign of happiness. If only Mom felt that way.
  • The BFG demonstrates a whizzpopper by guzzling the frobscottle. The sound is deafening and makes him shoot up into the air, and it makes Sophie laugh. (A giant farting himself off the ground—wouldn’t you?)
  • How could she resist? Sophie takes her turn to taste the frobscottle. It sounds like a pretty quick but tasty way to get a sugar rush (vanilla and cream with a trace of raspberry), not to mention a good way for Sophie to try a whizzpopper of her own.