The Death Cure Chapter Fifty-One Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Vince continues with his spiel: Gally told him everything about WICKED and their so-called cure. The Right Arm gave up on that a while ago.
  • Oh, and Vince says he's sorry about the rough treatment. Yeah, right.
  • Vince goes on to tell Brenda and Thomas that there are a few hundred people left in the Right Arm. He's also not immune, and he probably has the Flare.
  • So that's nice.
  • Thomas then tells why he's especially important: WICKED wants him to come back, so he's valuable.
  • The only problem is all the weapons that are stashed in WICKED's headquarters.
  • Or not. The Right Arm people have a trick up their sleeve: they have a way to make WICKED's weapons unusable.