The Death Cure Chapter Fifty-Five Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Newt ain't lookin' too hot, but Thomas demands that Lawrence stop the van.
  • Hmm, bold move.
  • Thomas gets out of the van and approaches Newt. He asks Newt if he remembers him.
  • Newt isn't past the Gone yet; he still has his senses. Of course he remembers Thomas.
  • Thomas begs Newt to go with him, but Newt explodes with anger. He yells at Thomas, shouting about how Thomas always tries to play the hero and save the world.
  • Well, duh, that's totally what Thomas is doing.
  • Oh, and Newt is totally ticked that Thomas wouldn't kill him. He ignored the message.
  • Then Newt charges Thomas, but someone from the van shoots a Launcher. It misses.
  • Newt tackles Thomas and gives him a nice Joker-speech: "You wanna know why I have this limp, Tommy?" (55.40).
  • Well, it turns out that Newt tried to kill himself back in the Maze. He climbed up a wall and jumped right off, but he didn't die.
  • Newt then starts shouting at Thomas to kill him in a long, very emotional and gut-wrenching scene.
  • Thomas refuses, and Newt screams more and more. Then his eyes clear and he trembles, and in one last moment of sanity, he pleads Thomas softly to kill him.
  • Thomas pulls the trigger.