Admiration Quotes in The Hundred-Foot Journey

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Ammi was quite remarkable and I cannot give her enough credit for what became of me. (1.17)

Hassan credits his success to his grandmother, whom he remembers being sharp and vivacious when he is a very small child. This shows that he's always been a person who learns from looking up to other people.

Quote #2

But you had to admire Papa, the charisma and determination behind his immense drive. (1.37)

Hassan gets his business streak from Papa, who singlehandedly runs the family restaurant in Mumbai, as well as supports the whole family. Although Hassan doesn't have quite the same charisma and personality as Papa, his dad gives him a great example to live by.

Quote #3

Mummy sat on the blanket, curled into herself like a pink pomegranate. She turned gaily, her teeth white, her hands stretched out to help my sister. That is how I like to remember Mummy. (2.82)

This is a pattern that Hassan has throughout the story. He likes to remember everyone at their absolute best, and so he takes a pretty picture to think of them by. This natural goodwill makes it easy for Hassan to admire people.