Coming of Age Quotes in The Hundred-Foot Journey

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I grew up watching her tiny figure darting barefoot across the earthen kitchen floor, quickly dipping eggplant slices in chickpea flour and frying them in the kadai, cuffing a cook, passing me an almond wafer, screeching her disapproval at my aunt. (1.17)

Hassan reminisces about his first days in a kitchen, watching his grandmother bustling about and eagerly taking in her every move.

Quote #2

One of my favorite vacation pastimes, however, was accompanying Bappu on his morning trips to Bombay's Crawford Market. […] I wound up, without trying, picking up a most valuable skill for a chef, the art of selecting fresh produce. (2.4)

While Hassan's growing up, he accompanies his family's cook, Bappu, to market where, because of his curiosity about food, he learns a valuable skill pretty much by accident.

Quote #3

Well, Bappu did follow my suggesting after Papa had finished his verbal battering, and it was the only hint of what would become of me, because the chicken dish established itself as one of our bestsellers, renamed, by my father, Hassan's Dry Chicken. (2.42)

This is a landmark moment, the time when Hassan makes his first "professional" decision. It immediately becomes a big hit.