Perseverance Quotes in The Martian

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"If the probe can't attach top the docking port for some reason, Beck will open the probe and carry its contents to the airlock." (19.124)

That actually sounds pretty fun. Still, it also sounds really dangerous, and we admire Beck for agreeing to do it. The dude is willing to jump out of a moving spaceship just so he can rescue his friend. At this point, it's clear that the Hermes crew won't stop fighting.

Quote #8

"It's amazing how much red tape gets cut when everyone's rooting for one man to survive." (21.18)

Isn't that the truth. As a government organization, NASA isn't exactly known for doing things quickly. This whole operation wouldn't have been possible without the hard work of people like Mitch, Mindy, and Rich Purnell. Everyone played their part.

Quote #9

"There's always hope," Venkat said. [...] "Mark Watney is now an expert at surviving on Mars. If anyone can do it, it's him." (22.25)

After everything is said and done, Venkat—and NASA as a whole—has gained a lot of respect for Mark Watney. Mark is stuck in an impossible situation and has fought through it out of sheer force of will. Sure, his scientific background and training comes in useful, but the most important contributor to his survival is his sheer willpower.