The Red Pyramid Chapter 22 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Leroy Meets the Locker of Doom

  • Just as they get through security, people start screaming. One lady sees the Set animal and screams that there's a rabid moose on the loose.
  • Carter wonders why it looks like a moose to them, and Bast says that mortals might perceive anything when confronted with magic. The idea spreads by the power of suggestion, and soon the whole security line is freaking out about the rabid moose.
  • Seeing people getting tossed around by the Set monster, Carter decides that he can't let it hurt innocents. He decides to take a stand, despite how terrifying the monster is.
  • He pulls his sword from the Duat. Now armed, Carter starts to taunt the Set monster to draw its attention. He nicknames it Leroy, which apparently the monster doesn't like.
  • Carter engages his falcon avatar warrior suit to battle the Set monster, but still takes a few hits. The locker idea is still fresh in Carter's mind, so he imagines opening a huge space in his metaphorical locker and shoves the Set animal in. It disappears from the mortal world.
  • Carter makes it onto the plane right before they close the doors. When Bast asks for a recap, she's super impressed that he had the strength to transport the monster.
  • Bast says a few words to heal Carter's wounded arm. He passes out as the plane takes off.
  • Carter's soul takes a trip when he's asleep. His ba returns to Phoenix, and finds a crevice in a mountain leading to a hollowed-out cavern in which a giant red pyramid is being constructed.
  • Carter sees two figures. One is Set, clothed all in red but not on fire or black and slimy like in previous visions. The other is the rooster-footed demon Carter's seen in visions before.
  • They're talking about the timeline for completing the pyramid, and Set demands that it be done at sunrise of his birthday—so that it will serve as the final tomb of Osiris. Bad news.
  • The demon suggests that Set shouldn't stop with just Osiris but should also attempt to release even more chaos energy. That would mean rounding up and sacrificing the other gods who were released from the Rosetta Stone. Set likes the plan.
  • The demon says it's time to put Amos Kane into play, and they'll have a nice little family reunion.
  • Set says this while looking directly at Carter, and addresses his last sentence to him. Carter freaks out and tries to fly away but sits paralyzed as Set reaches out to grab him.