Sacrifice Quotes in The Red Pyramid

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I told her some pretty embarrassing stories that I'd never shared with anyone, because who could I share them with? And it seemed to me that Sadie listened. At least she stopped flapping her wings. Her breathing slowed. She became very still, and her eyes didn't look so panicked. (21.60)

Some sacrifices are relatively small but no less heartfelt or important. By taking a risk and opening up to Sadie about his past (even the awkward parts), Carter is essentially inviting her into his life. He's also giving her tons of mockery fodder for the next time she's back in human form—but that's a risk he's willing to take in order to help his sister transform back from a bird. Again, sharing compromising information may be a small sacrifice, but it shows the development of trust between Sadie and Carter.