This Is Where I Leave You Quotes

Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop.  Pick a theme below to begin.

Family Quotes

As the baby, [Phillip] was alternatively coddled and ignored, which may have been a significant factor in his becoming such a terminally screwed-up adult. (1.38)

Love Quotes

I could report the rest of the conversation, but it's more of the same, two people whose love became toxic, lobbing regret grenades at each other (2.24)

Religion Quotes

The one tattered remnant of Jewish observance that my parents had maintained was having the family stay over for Rosh Hashanah (7.35)

Sex Quotes

I want to tell him how he and the love of his life will slowly fall into a routine, how the sex, while still perfectly fine, will become commonplace enough that it won't be unheard of to postpone i...

Mortality Quotes

I have to smile, even as I chafe, as always, at our family's patented inability to express emotion during watershed events. (1.4)

Dissatisfaction Quotes

I'm [...] supposed to be just starting my own family, but there's been a setback [...] and you wouldn't think you could get any more depressed while sitting shiva for your father, but you'd be wron...

Marriage Quotes

The self-help books and websites haven't come up with a proper title for spouses living in the purgatory that exists before the courts have officially ratified your personal tragedy (2.3)

Men and Masculinity Quotes

Having spent years laboring under the restrictions of the power company, he took a certain pride in outwitting them in his own home. (11.2)

Betrayal Quotes

"I am a flawed person. I was unhappy and did something inexcusable. But as much as you might hate me for ruining your life, playing the victim isn't really working out for you" (2.13)