This Is Where I Leave You Themes

This Is Where I Leave You Themes


This ain't no Leave it to Beaver—the Foxman family ends up in more fistfights, late-night affairs, and heated arguments than we could count. Yet, despite this, the Foxman family is able to walk a...


What is love? Bob Marley wants to know—and so does Judd Foxman. Judd has a pretty simple answer to the question—baby don't hurt me no more. See, he's going through some stuff: his wife left him...


Although he Foxman family just might be the least religious people ever to sit shiva, religion plays a big part in the events of This Is Where I Leave You. Maybe it's because Mort Foxman, the recen...


Sex is messy. (Emotionally speaking. Get your minds out of the gutter.) Judd Foxman knows this as well as anybody. His wife just cheated on him. He's jumping back into a fling with his old college...


Are you ready for a big surprise? A twist ending? Here goes: This Is Where I Leave You … deals with the theme of death. We know. It's a shocker, what with the whole book taking place while the Fo...


Judd Foxman is one red sports car and a young girlfriend away from having a midlife crisis. His wife is gone, his dad is dead, his career is over, and he's macking on the girl who got away. Oh yeah...


If you're looking for a novel that extols the many joys of marriage, then This Is Where I Leave You is definitely not the book for you. (May we suggest a Nicholas Sparks novel?) While author Jonath...

Men and Masculinity

Judd Foxman feels like a little boy surrounded by men. There's Wade Boulanger, Judd's former boss and textbook alpha male. There's Paul, Judd's older brother, whose picture is printed under the dic...


If you've read This Is Where I Leave You, then you're probably sick of hearing Judd go on and on about Jen's betrayal. He's like that friend who's constantly gchatting you about his girl problems:...