Mortality Quotes in The Time Traveler's Wife

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Henry to Clare:] "Whatever happens we both know that I live to be at least forty-three. So don't worry about it." (1.12.172)

Henry intends to comfort Clare by assuring her that it's smooth sailing for them until he's 43. How would your outlook on life change if you knew that you'd be completely safe from death until a certain age?

Quote #8

[Clare:] […] somewhere on the other side of the city Dr. Kendrick is sitting in his office figuring out how to make mice that defy the rules of time. I laugh, but it's life and death, and I stop laughing and put my hand over my mouth. (2.5.13)

Clare realizes that if they don't find a way to help Henry's condition, her babies will keep dying and she might too.

Quote #9

[Clare:] I gather up her reeking, wasted body into my arms, and she is perfect, she is my own perfect beautiful Mama again, for just a moment, […] even as her cancer-laden belly mimics fecundity she rises up in memory, shining, laughing, released: free. (2.6.3)

Clare describes the contrast between the reality of death, and the beauty of the memory of her mother that will live on forever.