Time Quotes in The Time Traveler's Wife

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Henry:] Here all of nature was captured, labeled, arranged according to a logic that seemed as timeless as if ordered by God. […] The museum was dark, cold, and old, and this heightened the sense of suspension, of time and death brought to a halt inside its walls. (1.2.7-8)

The way everything is set in its right place and in chronological time in the Field Museum instills Henry with a sense of divine order, with a sense of unchanging, timeless security.

Quote #5

[Clare to Gomez:] "I can reach into [Henry] and touch time… he loves me." (1.8.201)

Clare seems to say that because Henry loves her and is tangible to her, time feels tangible to her, too. It's as though she's living their past and their future with him in the present.

Quote #6

[Clare:] We didn't think the library was funny-looking in its faux Greek splendor, nor did we find the cuisine limited and bland, or the movies at the Michigan Theater relentlessly American and mindless. These were opinions I came to later, […] an expatriate anxious to distance herself from the bumpkin ways of her youth. I am suddenly consumed with nostalgia for the little girl who was me. (1.9.33)

Clare realizes that growing into an adult has caused her to look down on her hometown, mostly due to her own need to prove to the world and to herself that she has chosen a different life.